Smart shooter
Smart shooter

The automatic target homing in allows the operator to effortlessly point the weapon, and once locked, he pull the trigger, and let SMASH do the rest.īoth companies will present the integrated solution at the Eurosatory 2022 Military Exhibition in Paris mid June. The system, which can be mounted to any assault rifle, is homing in the target through electro-optic sensors and track it using AI-based image processing.

smart shooter

SMASH Hopper is a 15kg weapon station (tripod-like, also called “Pan Tilt Unit” in military terms) that carries a gun equipped with the smart fire control system SMASH, SMARTSHOOTER’s flagship product. Its arms are characterized by 5 degrees of freedom, which makes it highly flexible in operating the weapon station, and it also equipped with HD camera and night vision facility. Among other features, it has high maneuverability in complex terrain conditions, at any weather and also stair-climbing ability. Its height is 95cm, it weighs around 75kg, and it can be carried by two persons. TIGR (Transportable Interoperable Ground Robot) is a tactical robot, designed to cope with explosive ordinance disposal, hazardous material handling and intelligence missions. The integrated solution is the outcome of combining Roboteam’s TIGR robot and SMARTSHOOTER’s SMASH Hopper, a Light Remotely Controlled Weapon Station (LRCWS). The solution can also be used in urban scenarios, patrol missions and border defense. Also, since the SMARTSHOOTER’s sight is capable of precisely hitting drones, the integrated solution can serve as a tactical UAV interception device at the battleground. The robot is operated remotely using control system that makes it possible for the operator to both observe the area from distance and to fire. SMARTSHOOTER and Roboteam unveiled an integrated solution of an autonomous tactical robot equipped with a AI-based weapon station that automatically home in the target and hit it with maximum precision.

Smart shooter